2022 Future Author

In running, you’ll often hear people that run say “I’m not a runner”. I remember doing this myself. I didn’t run fast enough, or at least that’s what I thought. Ten-minute miles put me firmly into the jogger category.

As writers, we do the same thing. We say things like “I’m a writer, not an author”. The problem remains, when will I become an author? When I publish a full-length novel? When I make enough money to quit my full-time job? When I have a following? Or is getting paid for something you have published enough?

This year, I hope to gain the title of author. Here is what I have been up to. In the last few months I:

  1. Attended two writing conferences

  2. Pitched to three agents

  3. Worked with some amazing critique partners, writing groups, and beta readers

  4. Started Facebook Author page and just broke 4,000 followers on Twitter

  5. Finished an enormous round of editing, taking care of things like passive voice and adverb abuse

  6. Published The Betrothal Trials with Dragon Soul Press and How to Love with 5th Wheel Press

  7. Collected rejections like they are going out of style

These actions have transformed my writing for the better and I look forward to learning more.

So, what is next? As a writer? What is my goal this year? I’m planning my transformation from writer to author. I’ll write here more often, build up my portfolio, and shoot for 100 rejections.

I look forward to sharing all of this with you!


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I’m Getting Published!