
I am honored to have an excerpt of I Am Armageddon featured on #ReadMeSpeakMe. This is a spoken word experiment where once a week readers from everywhere record and share their readings on Twitter. Click on the banner below to see the entire collection of participants. You can find the text to this reading at the bottom of the page.

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-When Angels Lose Control-

-Listen Here- -When Angels Lose Control-

When Angels Lose Control

Before he could stop himself, he’d flung the male backward, sending him flying toward the street.

The windshield of a bus caught the body, shattering the glass. The bus swerved. Horns blared as multiple cars crunched their noses under its long carriage, lifting it onto its side and pushing it forward. Metal screeched and sparked as the asphalt grated against the pile of totaled vehicles. Horns blasted, car doors opened, and cries filled the air.

Samael rocked on his heels, shocked. He’d lost control. I never lose control. Trembling, weak, he stared at the horror he’d caused with his anger.

He stumbled to the accident, the smell of gasoline and death making him dizzy. Children cried, women wept, men wailed.

An accusatory rain pelted him as he climbed up the side of the bus. He found hands reaching skyward under a busted window. One at a time he lifted the humans to safety. Jutting glass bit into his arms and blood rained down on the people below.

Sirens approached as he cleared the path. Debris crunched under his boots when he jumped into the bus. He followed the sound of heartbeats to the back of the wreckage. One at a time, he handed the wounded to the first responders, sending the bodies up with prayers for forgiveness. Each survivor added another drop into his overflowing bucket of guilt.


Featured Author #1


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