Adulting with ADHD

Good morning


Eyes won’t open

The morning is too heavy

My blanket weighs as much as my to-do lists

My to-do lists weigh as much as my eyelids

And I misplaced them

My eyelids, that is,

‘Cause now I can’t stop seeing

Back to, good morning


I’ll eat them for breakfast

And come alive

Or maybe live less

Depending on how well I digest them

Sometimes I forget to eat

Sometimes I eat three breakfasts

Now say that word three times fast




But not around me

I don't have patience for the Ss

And I’m probably saying it wrong

Back to, good morning


My days aren’t linear, they’re more like a seesaw

Or a swing


A seesaw and a swing

Up and down and back and forth and round and round

And and and, and and and

What a shame I “always do things the hard way,”

Do I like stress

   Because I self medicate with cortisol

   Or because I work better under pressure

They trained me to be like this

I couldn’t do it right unless they yelled

A chorus of raised voices

That's how annoying I am

So go ahead, join the party, I can take it

Back to, good morning


My memories are not linear

They're more like magnets

The strongest ones first, followed by the rest

Some run away from me

Often in the form of words

I remember where I left BLANK

But I don't know where it went

They walk away, I guess

Like keys

And wallets

And cellphones

They know when they’re needed

So they


That’s how I live now


Because I know people will smell it on me

The pile of wrongness I built my self-confidence on


Even with a diagnosis

I can't stop asking

What’s wrong with me?




He’s Just Joking