Angel Lore

David’s Flash Cards

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The Seraphim’s Prophecy: Chapter 16

“Some events have irreversible effects. They start as innocent as snowflakes, delicate and fast to disappear. Unless they learn to stick together, gathering power and momentum as they grow into an avalanche of war and genocide, changing the trajectories of every being on earth. This mission started with such an event. The day Adam and Eve left Eden for the earth.

Samael stepped before his fellow Dominions, approaching the most sacred of angels. He bowed so low he lay on his belly. Great Seraphim, I volunteer to bring our humans back. He spoke to the floor, dirt on his lips, his face touching the earth. Behind him, his equals held their right forearms over their eyes in reverence.

The four Seraphim formed a row, their feet shoulder-width apart, their arms folded across their chests. They stood sentry before the wooden door springing from the ground, solitary in a field of flowers. The wood panels rose forever, reaching straight into the heavens, with no sign of what force held them in place.

Click on the angel to learn more!

Click on the angel to learn more!